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Market reports

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Office leasing in Barcelona grew by 52.5% year-on-year in Q3


According to the latest Forcadell report, the office market in Barcelona continues to show a positive trend.

The Catalan industrial-logistics sector reaches 255,498 m² in the best Q3 of recent years


The latest Forcadell report highlights a very positive third quarter for the Catalan industrial-logistics sector.

Forcadell together with the UB introduce the 2019 Real Estate Report


The 2019 Forcadell – Universitat de Barcelona Event, held once again in the AXA Auditorium of Barcelona, repeated the success of the previous edition, reaching almost 300 participants, bringing together experts and professionals related to the field of real estate . The event, which was the ideal framework to present the…

El mercat de naus industrials a Catalunya inicia la seva recuperació aquest exercici 2014


DEMANDA Segons informa Forcadell, tot i que comencen a notar-se en el sector immobiliari els primers signes d'optimisme que transmet l'economia espanyola després de diversos anys de crisi econòmica, el mercat de naus industrials en lloguer no està experimentant un augment tan considerable de demanda i d'operacions com altres segments…