Legal Terms and Conditions – Gift Card Promotion
The entity FINCAS FORCADELL, SLU (hereinafter, ‘FORCADELL’), a validly constituted company, with registered office in Barcelona (C.P. 08007), Plaza de la Universitat number 3, and holder of N.I.F. B60027182, is the organizer and responsible for the commercial promotion ‘GIFT CARD’ (hereinafter, the ‘promotion’) consisting of the delivery of a gift card with a value of up to €1,000 in the signing of exclusive housing commercializations for a minimum of 6 months.
The promotion will be governed by these legal bases available to any interested party on our website:
First. Purpose of the Promotion
The promotion consists of awarding a gift card, with a value of up to €1,000, to customers who sign an exclusive mandate with FORCADELL for the sale of their property.
Second. Promotion Duration
The Promotion will be valid from 00:00 hours (Spanish peninsular time) on 26th of February 2025 until 23:59 hours (Spanish peninsular time) on 25th of April 2025.
Third. Participation Conditions
- Be a natural person of legal age and reside in Spanish territory.
- To have a valid ID card or passport for Spanish citizens, or a passport of the country of origin or valid NIE for foreign citizens.
- The client must formalize an exclusive mandate with FORCADELL for the sale of the property.
- The exclusivity period will be a minimum of 6 months.
- The selling price of the property must coincide with the valuation made by a FORCADELL consultant.
- All valuations must be validated by the FORCADELL team at its headquarters in Barcelona.
- Not to be an employee of FORCADELL.
Fourth. Gift Card Amounts
Customers will receive a gift card with an amount determined according to the property’s purchase-sale value:
- For properties with a purchase-sale value between €0 and €350,000: €500 gift card.
- For properties with a purchase-sale value exceeding €350,000: €1,000 gift card.
- The total amount of the promotion per property will be distributed among the different owners of the property.
Fifth. Gift Card Delivery
- The gift card will be delivered to the customer once the sale of the property has been formalized and all conditions stipulated in these legal terms have been met.
- If any of the conditions are not met, the customer will not be entitled to the gift card.
Sixth. Limitations and Exclusions
- This promotion cannot be combined with other promotions or discounts offered by FORCADELL.
- FORCADELL reserves the right to exclude from the promotion any participants who fail to comply with the conditions or act fraudulently.
Seventh. Modification and Cancellation of the Promotion
- FORCADELL reserves the right to modify, suspend, or cancel the promotion at any time, duly notifying participants through its official channels.
- Personal data collected within the framework of this promotion will be processed in accordance with current data protection legislation and FORCADELL’s privacy policy.
Ninth. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
- These legal terms are governed by Spanish law. Any disputes that may arise in relation to the promotion will be submitted to the courts of the city of Barcelona.
- The recipient of the gift must always declare the corresponding amount in the general part of their personal income tax (IRPF or IS) and pay tax on it.
Eleventh. Acceptance of the Legal Terms
- Participation in the promotion implies full acceptance of these legal terms.
Scope of Action
- Dreta de l’Eixample: 08007, 08009
- Antiga Esquerra de l’Eixample: 08011
- Nova Esquerra de l’Eixample: 08014
- Fort Pienc: 08013
- Sagrada Família: 08025, 08013
- Sant Antoni: 08015
- Les Corts: 08028, 08029
- Pedralbes: 08034
- La Maternitat i Sant Ramon: 08028
- Sarrià: 08017, 08034
- Sant Gervasi – Galvany: 08006
- Sant Gervasi – La Bonanova: 08022
- El Putxet i el Farró: 08023
- Vila de Gràcia: 08012
- Camp d’en Grassot i Gràcia Nova: 08025
- El Parc i la Llacuna del Poblenou: 08005
- La Vila Olímpica del Poblenou: 08005
- El Poblenou: 08005, 08019
- Diagonal Mar i el Front Marítim del Poblenou: 08019
- Provençals del Poblenou: 08020
- Sant Martí de Provençals: 08020
- Mollet del Vallès: 08100
- Lliçà de Vall: 08185
- Lliçà d’Amunt: 08186
- Sant Fost de Campsentelles: 08105
- Martorelles: 08107
- Parets del Vallès: 08150
- Santa Perpètua: 08130
- Gavà Centre: 08850
- Gavà Mar: 08850
- Castelldefels poble: 08860
- Sant Boi Centre, Marianao: 08830
- Barri Parc Empresarial Viladecans: 08840
- El Prat Plaça Catalunya: 08820
- Sitges: 08870
- Centre: 07001, 07002, 07003, 07012
- Son Cotoner – La Vileta: 07011
- Son Dameto – Son Rapinya: 07013
- Foners – Portixol – El Molinar: 07006
- Secar de la Real: 07010
- Son Ferriol: 07007
- Son Oliva – Plaça de Toros: 07004
- Santa Catalina – Son Armadans: 07014
- Ca n’Aurell: 08224
- Centre Sabadell: 08201
- Centre Sabadell: 08202
- Matadepera: 08230
- Pere Parres: 08225
- Sant Pere: 08225
- Sant Pere Nord de Terrassa: 08226
- Urb. Can Serra / Torreblanca I y II. de Vacarisses: 08233
- Viladecavalls: 08232
- Zona Centre: 08221
- Zona Olímpica: 08225
- Granollers: 08401, 08402
- Bigues i Riells: 08415
- L’Ametlla del Vallès: 08480
- Sant Feliu de Codines: 08182
- Cardedeu: 08440
- Llinars del Vallès: 08450
- La Roca del Vallès: 08430
- La Garriga: 08530
- La Garriga: 08520, 08521